BOLD by P. H. Diamandis & S. Kotler2 min to read this review

The book “Bold” by Peter H. Diamandis shows you that exponential technology has democratized the power to change the world and build wealth, by putting it into everyone’s hands and explains which trends entrepreneurs will most benefit from in the future, how to capitalize on them and which challenges are really bold enough to impact us all


Fast read
Simple language
To the Point
Balanced Views
Perspective shift

1. For whom is this book?

  • People who want to think bigger and learn strategies how to excite others for their project
  • People who want to learn how to use the power of the crowdfunding, crowd-sourcing and communities.

2. How would you describe this book to a friend?

This book is about the way entrepreneurs can utilize the exponential growth of certain disruptive technologies by having the right mindset,  understanding the right moment of entering a market, using crowd-sourcing, crowdfunding and communities to create exponential wealth.

3. What blew your mind?

That its important to find the deep-rooted belief in your idea and strategize how to exhibit super-credibility in order to make the impossible possible.

4. What are the core concepts

  • There are many exponential technologies who will disrupt industries.
  • There are ways to tell when a technology is ripe to become utilized by entrepreneurs
  • Technology is being democratized and everyone will have equal chances to rise up
  • Goods  and services are vanishing and are being dematerialized by making the shift to software
  • Billions of people are entering the online world and they have time, money and passion to share with others therefor the crowd is the biggest asset
  • Crowd-sourcing is a a great way and cheap method to have surprising results
  • Crowdfunding is a viable way of getting funding
  • Communities can become a self organizing organism that give your idea the best chances of longevity

5. What other books would you recommend on these core concepts?

6. What are the key take aways?

Think Big, start small, use the crowd and all available technologies to make a dent in the universe. Strategize to launch with super-credibility and your crazy ideas will have a real shot of becoming reality

7. Who should’t read this book?

  • Who are not interesting in crowd-sourcing, crowdfunding or building communities
  • Who are not interested in technology

8. What left you unsatisfied about this book?

The book felt like it dealt with 3 separate topics and I think they could have been 3 separate books. I wished that the first part about the mindset would be more elaborate and had a manual how to work on building a more bold thinking mindset.

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